Test Series - computer fundamental

Test Number 78/95

Q: The web works on this model.
A. Intranet
B. Internet
C. Client-Server
D. Server
Solution: Web works on the client server model. Client and server operate on machines which are able to communicate through a network.
Q: In the Client-server model, the client receives a request from the server.
A. True
B. False
C. none
D. ..
Solution: The statement is false. The server receives a request from the client. It then performs the requested work.
Q: Which of the following is not a type of server?
A. File
B. Web
C. Name
D. Browsers
Solution: Browser is the answer. Browser is a type of client and it is not a server. File, web and name are the types of servers.
Q: This determines the type of protocol to be used.
Solution: The answer is . In general, http is used. Others like file and ftp can also be used.
Q: The location of file is determined by ________
Solution:  tells the server where to find the file name. It is an important part of the URL format.
Q: Apache is a type of ________
A. Transmission control program
B. Web Server
C. Web Browser
Solution: Apache is a type of web server. It is an application which waits for client requests, fetches requested documents from disk and transmits them to the client.
Q: A small data file in the browser.
A. Cookie
B. Web Server
D. Database
Solution: Cookie is a small data file in the browser. Most browsers nowadays allow the user to decide if they want the cookies or not.
Q: Any computer that can access the server is called?
A. Web Server
B. Web Browser
C. User
D. Web Client
Solution: Any computer that has access to the web server is called the web client. Web server is any computer that uses the HTTP protocol.
Q: Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
A. Software
B. Web Servers
C. Web Browsers
Solution: Web Browsers help the user to maintain a personal favorite list of URLs. Also, allows the user to download information on various formats.
Q: SGML stands for?
A. Standard Granted Markup Language
B. System Generalized Markup Language
C. Standard Generalized Markup Language
D. System Granted Markup Language
Solution: HTML(Hypertext Markup language) is based on SGML. SGML stands for Standard Generalized Markup Language.

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